Full Circle Blog:

How to Create a Safe Space in Childbirth

What does a successful relationship look like between a mom and her midwife? It’s a partnership. As midwives, we bring professional expertise and experience to creating your ideal birth process. As a mom-to-be, you contribute important information about your body, feelings, and beliefs.

We are passionate about this partnership, because we believe it is the key to a pregnancy and childbirth journey that ensures health for your baby, and provides a positive experience for you. In her recent article, “A Healthy Baby is Not All That Matters,” Milli Hill speaks to the importance of this two-fold positive experience. According to her, many women’s needs and desires are overlooked during pregnancy.

We don’t believe this should ever be the case!

So, how do we, together, promote caregiving for both you and your baby throughout the birth process?

Our Communication Process:

During your pregnancy, we work to build a communication process in which we collaboratively form a plan around your baby’s health, and your birth experience.

Sharing Boundaries:

Is there a past experience you would rather not repeat? Perhaps you felt ignored during an appointment, or that an important part of a previous pregnancy was left unexplained to you. Or, maybe, you have a childhood memory you’re concerned will affect you during the birthing process?

All of these are important aspects of your physical and emotional experience. As such, they serve as road signs, showing your midwives the way to crafting a positive birthing journey.

Setting Communication Methods Ahead of Time:

During the process of giving birth, you will, most likely, experience things you didn’t expect. It is possible you will want medication, when you assumed that you would not. Or, you may require someone to talk to you, when you thought you would enjoy a quiet room.

Talking through methods of communication ahead of time can help you seamlessly work with your midwives in the moments that matter most. Here are some helpful tips to guide the conversation about how, and what, you need to talk about before the big day.

Creating a Birth Plan:

In last week’s blog, we detailed out several steps to communicating with your midwives in a manner that makes you comfortable and seen throughout the entire birth process. When you create a birth plan, you translate your previous communications into an actionable plan that dictates the atmosphere and energy around your birth.

To help you get started, here’s a step by step guide to the birth process, and a printable checklist for you to complete with your midwives.

What else have you found to be helpful? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below, or via our Facebook and Twitter.