Home Sweet Homebirth

Our Approach

We care for women throughout the life cycle, from teenage needs, through the childbearing years, menopause, and beyond. We are committed to taking the time you need for a complete health assessment and individualized treatment plan; one that integrates a variety of healing modalities to help you achieve your optimal health and well-being. Our office has been established to reflect our more gentle, personal, and humanistic approach to women’s health care.
Our maternity services are devoted to providing comprehensive, holistic care and support throughout the pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding experience for those families choosing home birth. We are committed to creating an environment where a woman and her family feels nurtured, safe and secure, where their personal preferences are respected and their physical and emotional well being are enhanced. We practice “watchful guarding” of the natural process of pregnancy and childbirth, offering sensitive support and gentle encouragement, while intervening only as necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of mother and baby. If you are considering a home birth, we offer an initial consultation and provide you with a welcome packet that includes a wealth of information about our practice, articles about home birth and its physical, emotional and spiritual benefits, studies on the safety of home birth, differences between the midwifery and medical model of care, rights of the childbearing woman, the pros and cons of the various obstetrical tests, procedures and interventions, a suggested reading list, online resources, and how to prepare your home for your childbirth. We welcome your questions and honor your individual needs and concerns, as we aim for you to have a healthful and profoundly positive birth experience.We see pregnancy and birth as sacred and miraculous—a rite of passage into motherhood, a powerful experience that enhances personal growth, inner strength, and deepens family closeness. We view birth as a normal part of family life, and we have confidence in a woman’s ability to grow and birth her baby. We honor a woman’s inner wisdom about her body and desire to labor and birth in her own unique way. Home birth is not only legal and reimbursable by insurance, but also safer than hospital birth for most mothers and babies. Studies repeatedly document the safety of planned midwife attended home birth for healthy low-risk women and their newborns. This is especially related to the reduced exposure to infection, the decreased use of interventions at home (which often lead to many of the complications seen in hospitals), and the easier flow of labor and birth that occurs within the familiar and comfortable surroundings of home. At home women and their families can truly benefit from the ancient art and sound traditions of genuine midwifery care, that has proven it’s worth around the world and throughout history.