Silent Suffering

Kathy Herron
January 18, 2014

Pelvic pain really hurts. It can affect women at any age, from the teen years to after menopause. The pain can be on the outside or deep inside. It can be constant or intermittent. It’s more common than you think, because women don’t talk about it very often—not to each other, and not even to their care providers. Even worse, GYN providers often don’t bring up the subject either—so women continue to suffer in silence. Women can suffer from pelvic …


January 14, 2014

Whether we are new or seasoned parents, our children’s sleep plays a major role in our lives. We are thrilled when they sleep well and often despair when they do not. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I offer sleep solutions that respect the developmental as well as emotional needs of the whole child. I believe that every baby and toddler can learn to be a good sleeper, if you guide them with confidence and consistency. Visit:

Just Ask

Lynn Corritori
January 13, 2014

For the past 10 years, I have been a part of Full Circle Women’s Health. My position as Center Manager has allowed me to interact with our teens, new moms, dads, partners and grandparents on a level that most people would underestimate as a “perk” of the job. Did I forget to mention that the best part of my job is to hold these beautiful babies and give their moms a break if they want to look around in our …

New Moms: Decisions, Decisions

Layne Prosperi Raskin
January 11, 2014

Today, we are inundated with information from our family members, friends, medical providers, and various media outlets all seeming to know what’s best for you, your child, and your family. There are multiple decisions to be made regarding child rearing and no one decision is right or wrong. The only ‘right’ decision is what is best for you and your family.

Raising Baby from the Internet

Robin Bradley
January 2, 2014

Each generation since World War II has seemed to have its “expert” on childrearing. First there were Drs. Spock and Gessell, then Dr. Brazelton, and now there’s the internet. The books talked globally about discipline and toilet training and feeding practices and sleep. This generation of parents has grown up with “experts” everywhere. Go online and you can find out anything. Type in your symptoms and you can self-diagnose almost anything. Fears about germs and poor choices and peer pressure …

The Little Leaks Your Mother Never Told You About: Pregnancy and the Pelvic Floor

Melissa Keras-Donaghy
January 2, 2014

By Choicesinchildbirth It’s the elephant in the room: pregnancy-induced stress incontinence (SI). Did you know that 1 in 3 new moms experience light bladder leaks for at least 5 years after giving birth? Stress incontinence refers to the accidental loss of urine during physical stress such as laughing, sneezing, or exercising. Many women experience stress incontinence during pregnancy, and the severity and duration can vary greatly. So will it happen to you? The incidence of SI is low in the …