Maintaining Balance as a Brand New Mom

July 30, 2014

Before your little one enters the world, its important to give some thought as to how you’ll maintain your balance. You are never going to exclusively be a mother - you will remain a partner, a friend, an individual, and a daughter. As you begin this challenging, yet rewarding, transition, here are a few practices we recommend for maintaining your personal health along the way: 1. Get Organized While forty weeks may seem like forever, it actually goes by quite …

Six Ways to Support a Brand New Mom

July 24, 2014

She’s been through the birth process. She’s left the hospital. She’s made decisions about strollers, and researched the benefits and risks of co-sleeping. She’s finished decorating a nursery. Today, she’s on the couch with a brand new little stranger, one who’s demanding her attention, resources and love. Now what? No matter how carefully we plan, our first experience with motherhood is not all fairytales and incredible moments. It can’t be. It’s completely new, which makes it unfamiliar, and therefore, a challenge. How can we …

Co-Sleeping… Is it Safe to Sleep with Your Baby?

July 17, 2014

  Is it safe for you to sleep with your baby? This question has long been a subject of great debate among health and parenting communities. We believe that the answer to this question is a resounding “yes!” In fact, we encourage you to co-sleep with your little one. Not only does the practice facilitate attachment, but it also reduces the risk of SIDS, syncs your sleeping with your baby’s, and encourages a natural cycle of breastfeeding. Below, we detail …

Is It More Dangerous to Drive During Your Second Trimester?

July 10, 2014

Is it true that women are more likely to get in a car crash during their second trimester? In this recent Canadian Medical Association Journal study, a group of doctors concluded that the second trimester is associated with a substantial risk of a serious motor vehicle crash - a risk that, they say, merits the attention of prenatal caregivers. In cases like this, we think it’s important to point out that pregnant women know to exercise common sense, and that …

How to Create a Safe Space in Childbirth

July 2, 2014

What does a successful relationship look like between a mom and her midwife? It’s a partnership. As midwives, we bring professional expertise and experience to creating your ideal birth process. As a mom-to-be, you contribute important information about your body, feelings, and beliefs. We are passionate about this partnership, because we believe it is the key to a pregnancy and childbirth journey that ensures health for your baby, and provides a positive experience for you. In her recent article, “A …