admin's Full Circle Blog Articles

Managing Toddler Behavior: The Importance of the L Words

A couple of weeks ago I met with the parents of a three-year-old girl, let’s call her Madison. Madison’s father told me about a frustrating experience he’d had with his daughter the weekend before. The two of them had passed an ice cream cart while on an afternoon walk in Central Park; Madison asked her dad for ice cream as soon as she saw it. She had just had a cookie, though, and her dad didn’t think a second dessert …

Big Feelings In a Small Package: When Your Toddler Becomes The Older Sibling

My second son, Zeke, was born on December 24th. Like most families with new babies, over the past three months we have received a near constant stream of visitors to our home. Some come all the time (grandparents), others with less frequency (close friends), and still others have visited only once (former colleagues). Most have brought a gift for the baby, and many a gift for Henry, who just turned two, as well, so that he won’t feel left out. …

5 Nutritional Tips During Pregnancy

There is nothing more miraculous than growing another human being inside of you. Now that you’re expecting, one of the easiest ways to support the health of your body (and the tiny one growing inside you!) is to make some basic adjustments to the way that you eat. Just think - the foods you eat are the main source of nutrients for your growing baby! Below, we share 5 key food recommendations to boost the healthy growth of your baby: …

Sensitivity with Pelvic Exams

For many of us as women, an annual pelvic examination has been a requirement since the day we went through puberty. However, a new clinical practice guideline by The American College of Physicians may be calling into question the blanketed need for such exams. After reviewing 52 studies, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now suggests that a pelvic examination should actually be a shared decision between healthcare provider and patient. The contributing factors? Individual health circumstances, as well as personal needs and preferences. As healthcare providers, we at Full …

Five Things You Should Know About Postpartum Depression

On August 4th, Governor Cuomo signed the Maternal Depression Screening bill into law. What does that mean for you, as an expectant or new mother? Our staff is thrilled about this bill, as it moves the health care industry toward the awareness, training and the resources necessary to care for a struggle that has been largely overlooked. The Maternal Depression Screening bill will provide health care practitioners with the screening guidelines to help discern if you are at risk of postpartum depression, or …

5 Important Conversations to Have with Your Teenage Daughter

As a parent, it can be easy to focus on aspects of the teenage years that make us feel nervous, or anxious. With that (sometimes) ominous 13th birthday, there can be new and difficult arguments, and discussions around health and sexuality. That being said, if we can shift our perspective of the teen years to one of discovery and growth, it can become an opportunity to empower our daughters. Here are 5 important conversations to have with yours: 1. Prepare Her to Take …

Maintaining Balance as a Brand New Mom

Before your little one enters the world, its important to give some thought as to how you’ll maintain your balance. You are never going to exclusively be a mother - you will remain a partner, a friend, an individual, and a daughter. As you begin this challenging, yet rewarding, transition, here are a few practices we recommend for maintaining your personal health along the way: 1. Get Organized While forty weeks may seem like forever, it actually goes by quite …