Regina's Biography

Regina has been an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)for over a decade. Prior to that, she worked with children for several years in her role as a social worker. Regina was seeking a way to improve the lives of children. It became apparent that women were seeking more education on infant care and feeding. Personal and professional breastfeeding experiences motivated Regina to obtain a comprehensive education in the field of lactation. This journey has given Regina the opportunity to teach parenting, to lecture and to practice as a corporate lactation consultant. In private practice and through work in the hospital setting, she trains other medical professionals and supports mothers with babies in the NICU. Regina also sits on the board of directors for Mid Hudson Lactation Consultants Association, and the United States Lactation Consultants Association. Most recently she has begun to incorporate Reiki into her practice. Regina's extensive experience makes her a valuable asset for the women who seek care at Full Circle Women's Health and the community at large.

Regina's Full Circle Blog Articles

Nursing in Public, Friend or Foe?

Regina Camillieri
September 5, 2012

Nursing in public has been, and most likely will always be, a subject that will be debated. I think we have to ask ourselves that if we mock, criticize and complain about women nursing in public, this will undermine women everywhere. It has always been a belief of mine that people should be able to express themselves in a way that makes them morally accountable and socially conscious individuals. So is breastfeeding in public hurting any one? Is it morally …

Summertime Breastfeeding

Regina Camillieri
September 5, 2012

With the summer months upon us, there is always a question whether or not your baby should be receiving liquids other than breast milk. In the past, medical professionals and family well wishers have insisted on babies being given additional fluid in the form of water or juice in the summer months. If you are breastfeeding, additional fluids are not necessary. Breast milk is 90% water; the other 10% is protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, growth factors and protective …

Are Women Choosing to go Back to Work and Breastfeed?

Regina Camillieri
September 4, 2012

A recent article on ABC News wrote about how difficult it is for a woman to go back to work and still maintain breastfeeding. According to the American Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, breastfeeding initiation is about 70% in the United States. Unfortunately by the time a baby is 6 months old, the breastfeeding rate is about 36%. Most women will tell us that the reason for the drop in the breastfeeding rate is because many women are going back to …

Extended Breastfeeding and the Controversy

Regina Camillieri
May 23, 2012

The Time magazine cover has caused such a controversy and is still causing people to only talk about the picture. I reserved my comment because I wanted to read the article on “Attachment Parenting” before I just commented on the picture on the front cover. Dr. Sears has always been a favorite of mine, even when I was raising my children. The article that is inside the now infamous front cover was very endearing to me. Dr. Sears was one …

American Academy of Pediatrics and Breastfeeding

Regina Camillieri
April 11, 2012

As an IBCLC (Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant), I am always asked this question: ” How long should I breastfeed for?” And typically I say,” The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding for 6 months to 1 year as long as it is mutually desired by both mother and child.” For some people the recommendation seems too long, and for others it’s not long enough. Just recently the AAP updated their recommendations with an interesting twist. They echoed previous statements by …

Frozen Breastmilk and a power outage.

Regina Camillieri
August 27, 2011

This research was done by Breastfeeding Arts. It is very informative and will help women answer questions about defrosted breastmilk. Lots of conversation going on about re-freezing thawed breastmilk with Irene bearing down on the East Coast this weekend … and thought I’d share some of the information discussed in my lactation circles online. Colleagues have discussed protocols … where if 50% or more remains frozen the milk can be refrozen. If more than 50% is thawed then you have …

Breastfeeding and What You Eat

Regina Camillieri
August 17, 2011

Did you ever wonder if the flavor of what you eat affects your baby? Most women ask me questions about what they can or cannot eat while breastfeeding. Some moms have discontinued eating broccoli, cabbage and beans for fear the baby will have gas. The reality is that there aren’t many limitations and, in fact, exposing your baby to more foods while in the womb can help to shape food preferences later in life. You can go back to eating soft …