Full Circle Blog:
The Childbearing Year

Just Ask

January 13, 2014

For the past 10 years, I have been a part of Full Circle Women’s Health. My position as Center Manager has allowed me to interact with our teens, new moms, dads, partners and grandparents on a level that most people would underestimate as a “perk” of the job. Did I forget to mention that the best part of my job is to hold these beautiful babies and give their moms a break if they want to look around in our shop, grab a quick bite or just need a break? I take great pride in introducing them to our staff, our practitioners, and helping them figure out what classes should be taken at what point in their pregnancies. It is my job to make patients and their families feel at home in our Center and understand that they have a “go-to” person when they have an issue, a comment or a compliment.