Full Circle Blog:
Infant Sleep

5 Tricks to Get your Little Ones to Sleep

September 7, 2014

According to the National Sleep Foundation, most children have spent more time asleep than awake by the age of 2. Not to mention, kids will spend about 40% of their time asleep during childhood. Needless to say, sleep is an incredibly part of your little one’s life - not to mention vital to their mental and physical development!

Get on the Same Page as Your Partner

Sleep routines, in particular, are important to set alongside your partner. Do you have concerns about how it will affect mealtimes, babysitters, continuing to get time alone without your kids? Talk through your individual needs, preferences and action items of how bedtime will actually happen, between the two of you.

Avoid Stimulation:

If you can, move dinner time earlier, to give your kids ample time to digest before hitting the hay. If that doesn’t work with your schedule, make lunch a bigger meal, and have a lighter dinner. On top of that, avoid any caffeine less than six hours before bed, and avoid all stimulating activities after dinner.

Make it a Family Priority:

Setting regular bed and wake-up times for your family helps let your little ones know that you are prioritizing bed time — especially if you can stick to your routine on weekends. Signs of getting enough sleep? Your kids are getting enough rest if they are falling asleep within 15 to 30 minutes of going to bed, wake up easily in the morning and don’t fall asleep during the day.

Individualize Patterns
While its fantastic to get everyone on the same sleep routine, some kids have patterns that won’t, necessarily, change - no matter what you do. If you are dealing with an early riser, or a night owl, their bodies will naturally stick to these patterns. Find a way to ensure that each of your kids has an appropriate bed, and rising, time to wake up refreshed.

Set a Routine:

When it comes to preparing for bed, reading the same book every night, instead of something new, helps with establishing familiarity. Couple this with a calming routing lasting between 20 and 30 minutes, and ending in his bedroom. Make sure to include any regular activity you know he will need to do on a regular basis in this routine, such as having a snack or drink of water, washing up, brushing teeth, putting on PJs, and having a snack or drink of water.

Interested in creating a sleep plan for your child? Join our next Sleep Workshop.

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