Breastfeeding Resources and Support
How you decide to feed your newborn is a personal decision and we hope you will consider the option to breastfeed. Breastfeeding provides many immediate health benefits to mothers and babies, and exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby’s life is highly recommended by all major health organizations. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding for at least 6 months to one year as long as mutually acceptable to both mom and baby. Having said that, we understand breastfeeding is a task that, for most new moms, takes time to learn, and is not always supported in the American culture. Babies have an instinct to suck and mother’s bodies have an innate ability to produce milk, but getting the two systems synchronized takes time and patience…and a lot of support in our busy society. Full Circle Women’s Health will support you as you educate yourself about breastfeeding your child and as you and your baby begin the gentle dance of a nursing partnership.
Breastfeeding Preparation
Breastfeeding preparation begins in the prenatal period, and the midwives will discuss breastfeeding with you during your visits. Addressing questions or issues prior to the birth of your baby will help to ensure a good head start to breastfeeding your newborn. We offer a breastfeeding preparation class for parents at our office, as well as prenatal consultations with our lactation consultants.
Nursing for the First Time
In the hospital, after the baby is born, she begins to tell us when she is ready to begin breastfeeding. The midwife will be there to help you get started, and we will continue to be there along with the hospital’s lactation consultants. Rooming-in will give you more time to adapt to each other as you learn to recognize your baby’s cues for eating and sleeping. Skin-to-skin, face-to-face, you will learn about each other in a supportive environment.
We routinely see every mom and baby one week after the baby is born to evaluate your progress and help identify any need for additional support, guidance, or referrals. The first 2 weeks of life are critical in establishing the breastfeeding relationship and your milk supply. Moms often receive many different kinds of advice, but accurate and inaccurate, which can be very challenging during this exhausting and vulnerable time. Coordinating your breastfeeding support through Full Circle Women’s Health will help you to receive consistent, thorough, and compassionate advice through your pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
Breastfeeding Support
After you are home you might enjoy coming to our weekly Breastfeeding Support Group meetings with Rosie Murtagh, an international board certified lactation consultant. Our support groups offer consistent advice on breastfeeding, and will address common concerns or challenges for a nursing mom and her family. You’ll enjoy this time to nurse your child with other new moms and experienced breastfeeding moms. An international board certified lactation consultant is also available for a private consultation at our office or in your home, 7 days a week. Please see our Breastfeeding Classes and Support Groups web page for further information.
Dads and Breastfeeding
And what is Dad’s role in breastfeeding? It’s an important one! Dad’s support of a nursing mom is a vital part of breastfeeding success and satisfaction. Fathers are always welcome to prenatal visits with the midwives, are encouraged to attend the breastfeeding preparation class, and are welcome in the breastfeeding support group too. Contact and cuddling with dad is important for your baby’s development too, and there are many ways for a father to spend time and connect with his child outside of feeding time.
We look forward to helping you, your baby, and your family start on the road to a positive and long-lasting breastfeeding experience.