Baby-Led Feeding

Baby-Led Feeding
a.k.a. Baby-Led Weaning*

The phrase “baby-led weaning” was coined by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett in their book Baby-Led Weaning: The Essential Guide to Introducing Solid Foods. First popularized in Britain, the practice encourages babies to self-feed solid foods from the family meal instead of receiving purées via spoon.

In this class we'll discuss common challenges, explore common questions, and review safety and logistical aspects of baby self-feeding.

Led by midwife, mother and educator Anastasia Libovich.

* Weaning in this case is meant in the British sense, not the American. In the UK,
weaning means introducing babies to solids, whereas in the States it means giving up breastmilk or formula. To avoid confusion, we call our class Baby-Led Feeding.

Note: There must be a minimum of four registrants for the class to take place.



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Location, map and directions

Repeating classes are held at:
Full Circle Women's Health
450 Mamaroneck Ave. Suite 414
Harrison, NY 10528
(914) 421-1500
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