Fertility Awareness and Preconception Counseling
The midwife, throughout the ages, has been a trusted and reliable information source for women regarding their menstrual cycle and fertility. Teaching you how your body works and supporting its normal processes has always been a hallmark of midwifery care.
Knowing about your menstrual cycle is an important first step in fertility awareness. Whether that awareness is to prevent pregnancy or invite it into your life, a midwife can be an expert partner. Learning to interpret your body’s fertility signals through documenting menstrual cycles, charting basal body temperature, and noting cervical mucus changes can tell you when ovulation is occurring. Your midwife can provide preconception counseling services that can help you avoid or achieve pregnancy. If pregnancy is desired, the primary evaluation of hormones, information regarding timing of intercourse, and discussion of external road blocks such as job stresses and relationship concerns are handled in a private, sensitive, and informative session. Referral for a partner’s semen analysis can also be done.
Fertility awareness
We understand that fertility is a complex mind/body/spirit miracle. It involves an emotional component that is frequently unexplored in traditional settings. We routinely refer our women to specialists who respect that connection, from the reproductive endocrinologist and acupuncturist to yoga teacher and reiki practitioner.
Preconception Counseling
As soon as you start thinking about becoming pregnant, the FCWH midwives recommend an appointment for preconception counseling. We can help you optimize your health and pave the way for a healthy pregnancy prior to conceiving.
Your visit will start with a thorough personal and family health history. We will then do a complete physical exam and any needed laboratory testing. Any identified problems are addressed, treated or evaluated for referral. We can refer you for medical, genetic, or psychological consultations as needed. Your midwives will always be available for support, discussion and planning.
Preconception counseling will cover such topics as fertility, conception, nutrition, vitamins and other supplements, exercise, work, environmental hazards, avoidance of toxins, stress relief, and emotional health. We can also answer questions about future prenatal visits, labor and delivery care, the hospital, and the postpartum period.
Conception is the time when we as women are most interested in learning about our body. The midwives of Full Circle Women’s Health are happy to empower you with education and support as we help you reach your goals.