Friends of Our Practice
The midwives of Full Circle Women’s Health often refer patients to trusted practitioners and instructors – the “friends of our practice.” We are located in the holistic and integrative center of Full Circle Family Care, and many of these commonly utilized services (listed below) are located right here at the center. Please speak with your midwife about all of your health and wellness goals so that she can offer you a referral for these services at Full Circle Family Care, or in the local area.
Visit www.FullCircleFamilyCare.com for more information on many of these services.
- Acupuncture for Fertility
- Acupuncture for Labor
- Breastfeeding Education
- Childbirth Education
- Chiropractic
- Herbal Remedies
- Hudson Valley Birth Network
- HypnoBirthing
- Hypnosis
- Lactation Consultant
- Massage Therapy
- Medical Infrared Thermal Imaging (breast and body)
- Mental Health Counseling
- Nutrition Counseling
- Preventative Medicine and Nutrition
- Women’s Health Physical Therapy and Lymphatic Therapy
- Yoga, Yoga for Fertility, and Prenatal Yoga