Full Circle Women’s Health

Gynecology at Full Circle Women’s Health

Not looking forward to your annual gyn exam? We can change that. Our goal is to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Office visits with your certified nurse midwives occur in the welcoming and unhurried environment that FCWH is renowned for, allowing ample time to understand your concerns and to answer all questions. Our approach is gentle, compassionate, and respectful. We encourage and value your participation in all aspects of your care.

Your FCWH visit begins, fully clothed, with your certified nurse midwives taking a comprehensive health history and listening carefully to your concerns. We then move to the exam room to do a thorough head-to-toe physical. Our findings are discussed with you, all questions are answered, and together we develop a plan of care. Any needed blood tests can be collected in our office. Bone density screenings and breast thermography are also available in our office; for mammograms and sonograms, we refer you to local radiologists. We can write prescriptions for any medications, blood work, diagnostic tests, or referrals that you need.

Your Certified Nurse Midwives Care

Your certified nurse midwives at FCWH are competent providers of care for many gynecological issues besides annual exams. We routinely care for vaginal and bladder infections, menstrual or abnormal bleeding issues, breast problems, pelvic pain, and menopausal symptoms. All methods of birth control are available including instruction on natural family planning. We are very comfortable discussing any sexual questions or concerns.

Treatments through FCWH can include standard western medicine, complementary therapies such as herbs, and counseling regarding diet, exercise, and stress reduction. If you have an issue that is outside the scope of our certified nurse midwifery practice, we have a referral network of trusted medical and alternative providers, many of whom share our office.

We welcome the opportunity to show you how you might actually look forward to our style of nurturing and empowering gyn care at FCWH.


Serving the Westchester and New York metro area, 914-421-1500 Call to schedule your appointment

Midwifery Care in the Westchester and New York metro area

Full Circle Women’s Health at the Full Circle Family Care building,
1241 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605