Mind, Body & Spirit

Acupuncture & Related Techniques

What is Acupuncture?

The focus of acupuncture is to restore the body to its natural state of optimal health. The procedure involves penetration of the skin with very thin needles to stimulate specific acupuncture points in order to correct imbalances in the flow of qi through channels known as meridians. Acupuncture is used in the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including pain, stress, allergies, nausea, infertility and mental health issues.


A technique that applies pressure to specific acupuncture points utilizing fingers, hand, elbow or various mechanical devices to provide relief of symptoms, balancing and motivating the flow of qi throughout the body.

Tui Na

Oriental massage therapy which combines the management of body movements through soft tissue manipulation (muscles and tendons) to impact the flow of qi, and realign musculoskeletal with ligament interaction.


A method of acupuncture treatment that applies suction and creates a vacuum, by applying glass, ceramic, metal, brass or bamboo cups, stimulating the flow of blood. Cupping can be applied in combination with herbal medicine or traditional needling. This treatment is used in the relief of symptoms of indigestion, hypertension, chronic cough, painful menstruation, boils, arthritis, tendonitis, low back pain, sprains and other back injuries.


A therapy that utilizes the rich supply of blood and nerves in the ear to diagnose and treat disease, by stimulating acupuncture points in the ear. Auriculotherapy is effective in the treatment of a wide range of common diseases. It is especially successful in the treatment of chronic disease or used as an analgesic during surgery or childbirth. There are diverse auriculartherapy methods, such as acupressure, laser, magnets, needling, electrical stimulation and moxibustion. Auriculartherapy is also widely used in hospitals and clinics that specialize in addiction, psychiatric and mental disorders.


A low-frequency electrical impulse is applied to the needles once they are inserted in the acupuncture points and the qi is obtained. This method regulates the flow of qi, producing a more continuous and even stimulation. It is extensively used during surgery and further enhances both the duration and intensity of acupuncture’s analgesic effects.


The treatment of disease that applies heat to acupuncture points. The technique involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, and is used to stimulate stagnant or cold areas of the body. The herb is burned slowly in various forms (moxa sticks, cones, or warming cylinders) and held on or near the acupuncture point to warm the channels in order to move the blood and qi.

Laser Therapy

A healing technique that stimulates acupuncture points with low intensity “cold” lasers emitting infra-red light placed on or over affected areas and acupoints. It differs from laser surgery, which utilizes “hot” lasers. It is usually used to relieve pain, inflammation, and wound healing.

Therapeutic Exercise, Tai Chi, Qi Gong

As part of overall acupuncture treatment for joint disorders, therapeutic exercise is used to stretch the tendons and muscles through a guided exercise regimen, to help improve basic functionality and movement. The traditional martial arts exercises support meditation as an integral part of healing.