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Women’s Health Physical Therapy

Women’s Health Physical Therapy provides specialized physical therapy services which are unique to women throughout all stages of life. Each treatment is one on one which is customized for each individual. Treatments may consist of manual techniques, neuromuscular reeducation, strengthening, biofeedback, modalities and behavior modifications.


Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy for Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Pain

Many women suffer from one of several conditions involving dysfunction of the pelvic floor—a group of supportive muscles at the base of the pelvis. One of the most common of these conditions is urinary incontinence —a tendency to urinate accidentally, that may also involve an urgent or frequent need to urinate. While Urinary Incontinence occurs in many women, it is never normal, even during the natural course of pregnancy and childbirth (including multiple vaginal deliveries), menopause, or aging. Many women also experience pelvic pain related to pelvic floor dysfunction, which may be the result of surgery, injury, labor and delivery, or sexual abuse. Women’s health physical therapy can provide a comprehensive evaluation and individualized treatment program designed to address your symptoms and their underlying causes. This program may include:

Pelvic floor muscle exercises that focus on muscle awareness, retraining, and coordination, with the aim of decreasing the frequency and/or severity of your urinary incontinence

Manual therapy to address any misalignment and lack of muscle tone in your pelvic floor and the muscles surrounding it

Patient education on pelvic floor function and self-management strategies, including bladder training to restore normal bladder function as well as relaxation techniques

Therapeutic modalities to improve muscle tone in your pelvic floor, inhibit abnormal bladder contraction, and decrease pain

Physical Therapy for Prenatal and Postpartum Issues

Physical Therapy for Pre-Natal and Post-Partum Issues

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman’s life. Sometimes due to the many changes taking place in a woman’s body, she can experience pain or dysfunction. Women’s health physical therapy can provide a comprehensive evaluation and individualized treatment program designed to address issues that arise during the childbearing years, during pregnancy and post-partum.These may include: 

• Low Back Pain/Sacroiliac (SI) Pain
• Pubic Symphysis Separation/Pain
• Coccyx/Tailbone Pain
• Pelvic Pain
• Incontinence
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Postural Dysfunction
• Personalized Exercise Programs
• Diastasis Recti Assessment and Treatment
• Breast Infection/Mastitis/Clogged Ducts