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:: Kenneth R Hoffman, L.Ac

Kenneth R. Hoffman, Director, is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Connecticut.  He holds national certifications in Oriental Medicine and Chinese Herbology. He is a founding board member of the Institute for the Advancement of Medical Thermology (IAMT), where he trains doctors in this emerging technology. With many positive cases of treating suspicious thermographic patterns, he has developed specialized protocols and therapies to prevent and eliminate health risks.

Click these pdf* files for appointment intake and information.

Thermography Information for Patients

Female Full Body Questionnaire

Male Full Body Questionnaire

Women's Health Screening Questionnaire


*In order to view PDF files, you need Adobe Acrobat which is available for free download here.


SOPHIA Natural Health Center is now providing Medical Infrared Thermography and Consultations

at Full Circle Family Care.


Screenings will be held every three months

on Wednesday* from 11:00am to 7:00pm.  Please call 914.421.1500 to schedule your appointment.

Special April 10th Discount for Spring Break
Click here for coupon for $25 off next thermography


SOPHIA Natural Health Center Specializes In:

� Women's Health: Hormonal Balancing, Breast Cancer Prevention,

            Breast Thermography

� Screening and Treatment of Chronic Inflammation using Medical 

  Infrared Thermography (MIT).

  • Thermography can detect early changes in breast tissue up to eight years before a mammogram.
  • FDA registered, our high-definition camera is the most advanced in the region.
  • Safe, painless, non-invasive.
  • Images are analyzed by specially-trained MDs, some of the most qualified interpreters in the industry.
  • Our specialist will guide you in the use of natural treatments for reversing suspicious patterns.


SOPHIA Natural Health Center

31 Old Route 7, Brookfield, CT 06804


(203) 740-9300

What is Breast Thermography?

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI), a non-invasive, state-of-the-art screening tool.

Commonly known as thermography, DITI has been found to be more effective than mammography in early cancer detection because of its unique ability to image thermovascular aspects of the breast. Studies have shown that it observes extremely early warning signs of cancer, in some cases a decade before any other detection method. The procedure is most often recommended for women under 40 who have a family history of breast cancer, women who cannot have mammograms due to prior surgical procedures or other issues such as extreme sensitivity, and women who have pacemakers or defibrillators.

Heat emissions for the body can provide an accurate diagnostic window for early signs of breast cancer or heart disease..

A nontoxic, highly accurate and inexpensive form of diagnostic imaging does exist and has been used by progressive physicians in the U.S. and Europe since 1962.  Called thermography, it's based on infrared heat emissions from targeted regions of the body.

As the body's cells go through their energy conversion processes, called metabolism, they emit heat.  Thermography is able to register these heat emissions, display them in a computer monitor, and thereby provide a diagnostic window into the functional physiologic status of a given body area, such as the female breast.

As present, there are perhaps 1,000 thermography devices in the U.S. for providing this detailed, clinically valuable information.  For breast cancer, thermography offers a very early warning system, often able to pinpoint a cancer process five to ten years before it would be detectable by mammography.

Most breast tumors have been growing slowly for up to 20 years before they are found by typical diagnostic techniques.  Thermography can detect cancers when they are at a minute physical stage of development, when it is still relatively easy to halt and reverse the progression of the cancer.