Raising Baby from the Internet


Each generation since World War II has seemed to have its “expert” on childrearing. First there were Drs. Spock and Gessell, then Dr. Brazelton, and now there’s the internet. The books talked globally about discipline and toilet training and feeding practices and sleep. This generation of parents has grown up with “experts” everywhere. Go online and you can find out anything. Type in your symptoms and you can self-diagnose almost anything. Fears about germs and poor choices and peer pressure …

The Little Leaks Your Mother Never Told You About: Pregnancy and the Pelvic Floor

Melissa Keras-Donaghy

By Choicesinchildbirth It’s the elephant in the room: pregnancy-induced stress incontinence (SI). Did you know that 1 in 3 new moms experience light bladder leaks for at least 5 years after giving birth? Stress incontinence refers to the accidental loss of urine during physical stress such as laughing, sneezing, or exercising. Many women experience stress incontinence during pregnancy, and the severity and duration can vary greatly. So will it happen to you? The incidence of SI is low in the …

Explaining Herbalism vs Homeopathy


There are a lot of terms flying around in the world natural medicine and not all of them are clearly defined to the casual observer. You hear holistic and herbal, homeopathic and natural. What does it all mean? Herbal and homeopathic treatments are actually quite different, but both can be a great alternative to pharmaceuticals or over the counter drugs. Herbal medicine is the easier of the two to understand so I say we start there. It is simply the …

Fertility: How Acupuncture Helps

Jaesun Yoo

The treatment of infertility with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dates back 2,000 years. These ancient, time-tested techniques improve fertility rates and support a woman’s whole body, unlocking unlimited potential for health, healing and childbearing. Studies reported by The American Pregnancy Association suggest that the most effective fertility treatments involve a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and traditional medical interventions. However, conception does sometimes occur without traditional medical interventions when acupuncture and herbal medicines are used alone. Researchers from …

“Breaking the Rules” (or, at Least One of Them)


We are raised to mind our manners, to live healthfully, to work hard, to observe the law, to be kind. These are the tenets of a solid, civil, healthy and productive society. Sure, nobody’s perfect. Thankfully, there is enough wiggle room in the world so that one honest mistake now and then doesn’t send our planet into free-falling chaos. When a woman becomes pregnant, she realizes that the game has changed, and there exists a new set of rules by …

The Billing Assistant at Full Circle Women’s Health


As the billing assistant for Full Circle Women’s Health, it is my responsibility to help you understand the specifics of your insurance coverage. Insurance companies can be confusing with their different plans. Many companies require a pregnancy notification and will charge you a penalty for not providing it. This penalty can be as large as 50% of all your pregnancy related claims. I will investigate the particulars of your coverage so there will be no surprises. I will help alleviate …