Kharis's Biography

Kharis lives in Northern Westchester, NY with her husband and three lovely children. She is a trained and certified birth and postpartum doula through DONA and Maternity Wise. She is also a certified pre & postnatal group fitness instructor. After the births of her first two children and her attendance at a few friends' births, she quickly felt a deep connection with the pregnancy, labor and birth process. She realized that pregnancy and birth is one of the most powerful and transformative experiences in a woman's life. As a result, in 2005 she became a doula and has been instrumental in guiding many families through their journeys since. Kharis believes birth is sacred and should be nurtured and protected. It is her passion and goal to be a loving and caring source of information and support to women and their families throughout this special time. You will see her in the office and attending births with Anne, Cathy or Susan.

Kharis's Full Circle Blog Articles